Aug 19, 2024

Why Sales Teams are Ditching Slides for Deal Rooms

Mark Fershteyn
CEO & Co-founder

Remember the last time you sat through a sales presentation? Chances are, you were looking at slides. Sales slides and PowerPoint decks have been go-to tools for sales teams for years. But times are changing, and so are the ways we sell.

Today's buyers want more than just a one-way show of slides. They're looking for a two-way street where they can ask questions, share ideas, and really get involved.

That's where Deal Rooms come in.

What's a Deal Room? Think of it as a digital workspace where sellers and buyers can work together. It's like interactive slides or PowerPoint, but much more powerful. In a deal room, you can share files, chat in real-time, and keep track of what needs to happen next.

So why are more and more sales teams ditching their old sales slides for these new deal rooms? Let's break it down:

  1. Sales slides are stuck in one place. Deal rooms move with you. With regular slides, what you see is what you get. But deal rooms let you update information on the fly. It's like having interactive PowerPoints that change as your deal does.
  2. Slides talk at people. Deal rooms talk with people. Presentations often feel one-sided. Deal rooms let buyers jump in, ask questions, and really be part of the process.
  3. Slides can get lost in email. Deal rooms keep everything in one spot. No more digging through your inbox for the latest version of your sales deck. In a deal room, everyone sees the same, up-to-date information.
  4. Slides don't tell you much about what buyers think. Deal rooms do. With interactive slides in a deal room, you can see what information your buyers are looking at and what they're interested in.

In this post, we'll dive deeper into why more sales teams are saying goodbye to traditional slides and hello to deal rooms. We'll look at how this switch can help you sell better, faster, and smarter.

Whether you're a sales pro looking to up your game, or a team leader thinking about new tools, stick around. You might just find that deal rooms are the upgrade your sales process needs.

Why Your Sales Slides Might Be Holding You Back

We've all used slides for sales presentations. They're familiar, easy to make, and get the job done... or do they? Let's take a closer look at why your trusty sales slides might not be cutting it anymore in the world of B2B sales.

  1. Double the Work, Double the Trouble: After your call, you need to log what happened in your CRM. But your slides can't do this for you. So you're stuck manually entering data. What slides did you show? What did the client like? You have to remember and type it all in. It's like doing your job twice - once for the client, once for your records.
  1. Information Gets Lost in Translation: When you're copying info from your slides to your CRM, it's easy to miss things. Maybe you forget which slide sparked the most interest, or you mix up which questions the client asked. These small details can be super important later, but they're easy to lose when your tools don't talk to each other.
  1. Your CRM Doesn't Know What You Presented: Your CRM is supposed to give you a complete picture of your client relationships. But if it doesn't know what's in your slides, that picture has some big blank spots. Did the client see your new pricing? Did you show them the product roadmap? Your CRM can't tell you if it doesn't connect with your presentation tools.
  1. Forecasting Gets Fuzzy: Sales leaders rely on CRM data to forecast deals. But if your slides aren't feeding info to your CRM, your forecasts might be off. You might have had a great reaction to a new feature in your slide deck, but if that info doesn't make it to the CRM, your forecast won't reflect that enthusiasm.
  1. You Can't Track Content Effectiveness: Which slides are working best? Which ones aren't hitting the mark? When your slides are separate from your CRM, it's hard to connect the content you're showing to the deals you're closing. You're missing out on insights that could make your sales strategies much stronger.
  1. Following Up Gets Trickier: Good follow-up is key in B2B sales. But when your slides and CRM are separate, it's harder to remember what you need to follow up on. Did you promise to send more info about something in your slides? If that task isn't automatically logged in your CRM, it might slip through the cracks.
  1. The Big Picture Gets Blurry: Sales isn't just about individual calls or deals. It's about understanding trends, improving processes, and making smart decisions. But when your slides live in one world and your CRM data in another, it's tough to see the big picture. You're missing connections that could help you sell smarter.

Here's the thing: in today's fast-paced sales world, your tools need to work together. They need to share information, save you time, and help you sell better. Traditional slides just weren't built for this kind of teamwork.

But don't worry - there's good news. Modern sales tools, like deal rooms, are designed to integrate smoothly with your CRM and other systems. They can automatically log activities, track engagement, and give you a fuller picture of your sales process. In the next section, we'll dive into how these new tools can make your life easier and your sales more successful.

Remember, the goal isn't just to make pretty presentations. It's to close deals, build relationships, and grow your business. And for that, you need tools that work together as a team - just like you and your buyers do.

What's a Collaborative Deal Room?

So, we've talked about the problems with old-school sales slides. Now, let's chat about something that's changing the game: collaborative deal rooms.

Don't let the fancy name scare you - it's actually a pretty simple idea that can make your life a lot easier.

Think of a Deal Room as Your Sales Command Center

Imagine a digital workspace where everything about your deal lives. It's like a virtual room where you and your buyer can meet, share info, and work together. It's not just a bunch of slides - it's a living, breathing space that grows with your deal.

Here's what makes a deal room special:

  1. It's More than Just Slides: Sure, you can share presentations in a deal room. But you can also add documents, videos, chat messages, and more. It's like having all your sales tools in one place.
  1. Everyone's on the Same Page (Literally): Both you and your buyer can see the same information at the same time. No more "Did you get the email I sent?" or "Can you see my screen?" Everyone's looking at the same thing.
  1. It Moves with Your Sale: Unlike static slides, a deal room can change as your deal progresses. You can easily update information, add new content, or rearrange things based on what your buyer needs.
  1. It Remembers Everything: Every interaction, every document shared, every question asked - the deal room keeps track of it all. It's like having a super-detailed journal of your entire sales process.
  1. It Plays Nice with Your Other Tools: Remember how we said slides don't talk to your CRM? Well, deal rooms do. They can connect with your CRM, your email, and other tools you use every day.
  1. It Guides You Through the Sale: A good deal room doesn't just hold information - it can actually guide you through your sales process. It can remind you of next steps, highlight important actions, and keep everyone on track.
  1. It Gives You X-Ray Vision into Your Deal: Okay, not really. But it does show you things you couldn't see before. Like which materials your buyer is looking at, how long they're spending on each section, and who else from their team is involved.
  1. It Keeps Working After the Call: Even when you're not actively presenting, the deal room is still there. Your buyer can review information, you can add updates, and everyone can stay in the loop.

The key word here is "collaborative." It's not just you pushing information to your buyer. Instead, it's a space where you and your buyer can work together. They can ask questions, you can provide answers. They can share their concerns, you can address them right away.

Think of it like this: If traditional sales slides are like giving a speech, a deal room is like having a conversation. And in B2B sales, conversations are where the magic happens.

In the next section, we'll dive into the specific benefits of using a collaborative deal room. You'll see how this new approach can help you close deals faster, make your buyers happier, and even make your job a little easier.

Remember, sales is all about building relationships and solving problems. A good deal room helps you do both, in a way that old-fashioned slides just can't match.

Why Deal Rooms Beat Regular Sales Slides

So, we've talked about what a deal room is. Now, let's look at why it's better than your old sales slides or interactive PowerPoints. Here are the big wins you get with a deal room:

  1. Your Buyers Will Love You: Think about it: nobody likes sitting through a long slide show. With a deal room, your buyers can explore information at their own pace. It's like having interactive slides that they can click through themselves. They'll appreciate being in control.
  1. No More "Which Version Is This?": We've all been there - wondering if we're looking at the latest sales slides. In a deal room, there's only one version: the current one. You update it once, and everyone sees the changes right away. It's like magic!
  1. See What Your Buyers Really Care About: With regular slides for sales, you can't tell what parts interest your buyer most. But in a deal room, you can see which sections they spend the most time on. It's like having a window into their thoughts!
  1. Keep Everyone in the Loop: B2B sales often involve lots of people. A deal room makes it easy to keep everyone updated. It's way better than trying to email new slides to everyone every time something changes.
  1. Guide Your Buyers (Without Being Pushy): A good deal room can suggest next steps to your buyer. It's like having a super-smart assistant that knows your sales process inside and out.
  1. Close Deals Faster: When everything's in one place and easy to find, deals move quicker. No more waiting for someone to find that one crucial document buried in their email.
  1. Make Your Boss Happy: Deal rooms can connect to your CRM and other tools. This means less manual data entry for you, and better reports for your higher-ups. Everyone wins!
  1. Customize Without the Hassle: Need to tweak your pitch for different buyers? With a deal room, it's easy. You're not stuck with one-size-fits-all sales slides.
  1. Keep Selling Even When You're Not There: Your deal room works 24/7. Buyers can look at info anytime, and you'll know when they do. It's like your slides are working overtime for you!
  1. Make Your Sales Slides Interactive: Forget static PowerPoints. In a deal room, you can have truly interactive slides. Add videos, polls, or even live data feeds. It's like your slides came to life!
  1. Learn and Improve: Deal rooms can show you which parts of your pitch work best. It's like getting a cheat sheet for making better sales slides in the future.
  1. Stay Organized Without Trying: All your sales materials live in the deal room. No more hunting through folders for that one perfect slide. Everything's right where you need it.

The Bottom Line: Smarter Selling

Here's the real deal: using a collaborative deal room isn't just about having cooler slides. It's about selling smarter. You'll understand your buyers better, move deals along faster, and probably close more sales.

Plus, you'll save time on busy work. That means more time for actually talking to buyers and closing deals. And isn't that what sales is really about?

"I could just as easily do a slideshow presentation, send them the deck, cross my fingers, you know, and hope that I did a good enough job that they can now sell my product to their leadership team.

With Recapped, like, I don't have to hope. Like, I know that they have a tool that we built together that they have access to. I can see when they access it. I can see what they click on and what's important to them."

Learn how this Sales Rep uses a deal room to get better visibility and client engagement.

How Deal Rooms Speed Up Your Sales

Let's face it: in sales, time is money. The faster you can close deals, the better. That's where deal rooms really shine. They're like supercharged sales slides that help you sell faster and smarter.

With old-school sales slides, you often have to wait. Wait for emails, wait for answers, wait for decisions. But deal rooms change that. Everything happens in real-time. It's like your slides are always "on," ready for action.

When a buyer has a question, they don't have to wait for your next call. They can ask right in the deal room. And you can answer quickly. It's like having a 24/7 Q&A session with your interactive PowerPoint.

In a deal room, buyers can find all the info they need to make a decision. They don't have to wait for you to send more slides or documents. This means they can decide faster. And faster decisions mean faster sales!

Big deals often need many people to say "yes." In a deal room, all these people can see the same info at once. No more waiting for someone to forward your sales slides. Everyone's on the same page, right away.

Deal rooms let you see how buyers interact with your content. If they keep looking at the pricing slide, maybe they have concerns about cost. You can spot these issues early and address them fast.

A good deal room doesn't just show info - it guides buyers through your sales process. It's like your slides know exactly what to show next. This keeps things moving in the right direction.

Deal rooms can automate a lot of the tasks you usually do manually. Updating CRMs, sending follow-ups, even creating custom presentations. This frees up your time to focus on what really matters: talking to buyers and closing deals.

When it's time to bring in other teams (like product specialists or legal), everything they need is already in the deal room. No need to catch them up or resend all your slides. This makes handoffs way faster.

After a meeting, you don't need to spend time sending recap emails or more slides. Everything's already in the deal room. You can move straight to the next steps.

Deal rooms show you which parts of your pitch work best. You can quickly adjust your approach based on what's working. It's like your sales slides are giving you tips on how to sell better!

Companies using deal rooms instead of traditional sales slides often see big improvements. Many report closing deals 20-30% faster. Some even say their sales cycle is cut in half!

But it's not just about speed. Deal rooms can also help you close bigger deals because it's easier to show your full value. You might win more often because you're addressing buyer needs better. And your customers could be happier because they feel more involved in the process.

The takeaway? Deal rooms don't just replace your old slides. They transform your whole sales process. They make it faster, smarter, and more collaborative.

In our next section, we'll tackle a big question: "But what if my team doesn't want to learn a new tool?" Don't worry - we've got you covered!

Worried About Switching to a Deal Room? Let's Talk

Change can be scary, especially when it comes to how we work. If you're thinking about moving from regular sales slides to a deal room, you might have some worries. That's normal! Let's talk about some common concerns and why they might not be as big as you think.

  1. "It Sounds Complicated": Don't worry, it's not. If you can use PowerPoint, you can use a deal room. Most deal rooms are designed to be easy to use. You'll probably get the hang of it faster than you think.
  2. "We're Used to Our Old Way": Sure, your team knows the old way. But think about this: how long did it take them to learn PowerPoint? Probably not that long. Learning to use a deal room is similar. Plus, once they see how much easier it makes their job, they'll wonder why they didn't switch sooner.
  3. "What About Our Old Sales Slides?": Good news! You don't have to throw them away. Most deal rooms let you upload your existing slides. So you're not starting from scratch - you're just making your old content work harder for you.
  4. "It Might Slow Us Down at First": There might be a short learning period, that's true. But it's like learning a new shortcut on your computer. It might take a minute to learn, but then it saves you hours in the long run.
  5. "Our Buyers Might Not Like It": Actually, most buyers love deal rooms. They can find information easily, ask questions quickly, and feel more in control. It's like giving them a VIP pass to your best sales content.
  6. "It Sounds Expensive": Think about how much time you spend making slides, sending emails, and updating your CRM. Now imagine if a tool could do a lot of that for you. That's what a deal room does. The time you save often makes up for the cost.
  7. "We'd Have to Change Our Whole Process": Not really. A good deal room fits into your existing process - it just makes it smoother. It's like upgrading from a flip phone to a smartphone. You're still making calls, just in a much better way.
  8. "What If It Doesn't Work for Us?": Most deal room companies, like Recapped, let you try before you buy. You can test it out on a few deals and see how it goes. If it doesn't work, no harm done. But if it does work? You might just revolutionize your sales process.

Wrapping It Up: Why Deal Rooms Are the Future of Sales

We've covered a lot of ground, so let's bring it all together.

Sales has changed a lot over the years. Remember when we thought email was revolutionary? Now, deal rooms are the new game-changer. They're not just fancy sales slides - they're a whole new way of working with your buyers.

Let's recap why deal rooms are so great:

  1. They're easier for your buyers. No more digging through emails for info.
  2. They save you time. Less busywork means more selling.
  3. They help you close deals faster. When everything's in one place, decisions happen quicker.
  4. They give you insights. You can see what your buyers care about most.
  5. They make teamwork smoother. Everyone's on the same page, all the time.

Sure, switching from your old sales slides might feel like a big step. But think about it this way: every great salesperson knows when it's time to try something new. Deal rooms are that "something new" that could take your sales to the next level.

You don't have to dive in all at once. Start small. Try a deal room for one or two deals. See how it goes. Chances are, you'll wonder how you ever managed without it.

Remember, at the end of the day, sales is about connecting with people and solving problems. Deal rooms help you do both better than ever before.

So, are you ready to go beyond slides? Ready to sell smarter, faster, and more effectively? It might be time to give a deal room a try. Your future self (and your sales numbers) will thank you.

Thanks for reading! If you have any questions about deal rooms or want to learn more, don't hesitate to reach out. Here's to your sales success!

Schedule a free demo with to see learn best practices and see how the world's fastest growing sales teams are replacing slides with collaborative Deal Rooms.