How Staffing Referrals Accelerated Sales by Improving the Customer Experience with Recapped

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Employee Referral Software
Buyer Enablement
Content Management
Communication Chaos
Internal Collaboration
Onboarding & Training
Post-Sales Handoffs
Sales Process Inconsistencies
Stakeholder Management
Team Inefficiencies
Visibility & Forecasting Issues
Deal Momentum Loss
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Why change?

  • Wanted to accelerate sales cycles
  • Needed to streamline sales processes
  • Traditional methods (emails, Google Docs, and more) weren’t professional or secure
  • No way to track client engagement for data insights

Why now?

  • Focused on accelerating the sales process with on-demand demos

Why Recapped?

  • Ease of use and adoption with sales reps, prospects, and customers
  • Cost-effective solution
  • Streamlines sales and onboarding processes
  • Seamless handoff from sales to onboarding
  • Enhances visibility and accountability through Mutual Action Plans
  • Increased customer engagement


  • Elevated the brand and buyer’s experience
  • Better internal alignment
  • 17% faster sales cycle
  • 54% fewer email and text outreach
  • 209% higher close rates

“Prospects and customers love it. And it gives us a seamless sales to onboarding process.”

About Staffing Referrals

Staffing Referrals is a specialized software designed to help staffing agencies streamline and maximize their employee referral programs. By automating tasks, improving communication, and providing valuable insights, this platform helps agencies source top talent faster, increase productivity, and enhance overall efficiency.

How Staffing Referrals Accelerated Sales by Improving the Customer Experience with Recapped

Why change? - The situation 👀

Providing efficiency for staffing agencies, Staffing Referrals, the leading referral software for staffing agencies, knew that they needed to reflect efficiency within their sales and onboarding processes as well.

David Folwell, President of Staffing Referrals, identified a problem: "I wanted to accelerate my sales process, and I saw inefficiencies in how we were managing document sharing and communication through email.”

With a small sales team and a high-demand product, he sought ways to get information into potential clients' hands quicker and more efficiently. Traditional methods, such as email and Google Docs, proved inadequate. As David put it, "Email is not a great way to do this. We tried Google Docs, but it's not very professional, or secure."

Why now? - Moving upmarket 🚀

Enterprise sales posed additional challenges. The sheer volume of information exchanged was overwhelming. They needed a solution to streamline this process and ensure that clients always had the most up-to-date information.

Why Recapped? - The Solution for Streamlining and Accelerating Sales and Onboarding Workflows 🎯

Recapped offered the best user interface which is critical when bringing a sales team into the platform. David discovered that Recapped significantly streamlined their sales workflow, offering several features that enhanced the efficiency and effectiveness of their sales operations.

Smooth Communication and Re-Engaging Cold Leads

A key advantage of Recapped was the ability to manage discussions seamlessly within a shared consolidated space. This functionality allowed for real-time feedback and clear communication without the hassle of endless emails or direct calls, making the sales process smoother and more efficient.

Using David’s favorite Recapped Comment Feature, was the ability to nudge prospects with comments on resources and or videos stored in the deal room. 

This stubble yet strategic way of re-engaging prospects proved impactful because it brings the client back into the shared deal room where all the value and marketing material are consolidated into one place.

Enhancing Visibility and Accountability with Mutual Action Plans

A Mutual Action Plan (MAP) is a collaborative document created by a sales team and a prospective customer to outline the specific steps, timelines, and responsibilities. It's essentially a roadmap for both parties to achieve a shared goal. A successful MAP must be mutual with your buyers and champions. MAPs are also known as Shared Action Plans, Joint Engagement Plans (JEPs), Mutual Success Plans (MSPs), and more.

After watching a Recapped webinar, David adopted the use of Mutual Action Plans. While he’s on a call with a client, he asks, “What do you need to do? What do I need to do? Let's actually lay these out and assign them.”

Recapped replaces the hassle of managing Mutual Action Plans through spreadsheets and emails with a centralized, interactive platform that brings everyone together.

💡 People often think that a Mutual Action Plan is only useful for getting a deal done. However, MAPs can also be helpful after the sale to help new customers get started and use the product.

Seamless Handoff to Customer Success for Onboarding

From an onboarding perspective, Staffing Referral uses Mutual Action Plans in Recapped to keep their customers aligned with all of the tasks they need to complete to get their account set up.

Not only did providing an organized sales and onboarding process reduce friction in the customer journey, but they also saw increased customer engagement. 

The ease of use and clear organization helped customers stay aligned and informed. David mentions, "Our customers are enjoying the fact that they can go check out the next steps.”

Cost-Effective Solution

Financially, Recapped proved to be a cost-effective addition. David emphasized, "It's not a huge cost. If we’re able to close one more deal because of it, it’s worth the investment." The immediate ROI through time savings and improved customer experiences highlights Recapped's value proposition.

The Results with Recapped 🏆

“I think the immediate ROI is in time savings and customer experience.”

🎯 Elevating their Brand and the Buyer Experience

The best buying experience is a well-run sales process.

Recapped facilitates better organization and tracking of sales activities. The tool provides a central hub where all sales-related information could be accessed and updated in real-time, ensuring that both the sales team and prospects are always on the same page.

“Recapped elevates our brand.”

🎯 Accelerated Sales Cycle

David analyzed deals and found a 17% faster close rate.

🎯 Better Internal Alignment

The tool also positively impacted their internal processes by fostering better alignment within the team. “I am excited about how it's organizing our sales process.”

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