Slack integration

Get Workspace Notifications in Slack

The Slack integration sends notifications into Slack channels directly from Recapped workspaces to centralize communications and drive adoption. Workspace updates like comments, content views, and reminders post in context.

Important interactions broadcast through Slack channels raise visibility and stage opportunities for teams. Sales leaders gain insight into how workspaces progress deals. Reps get recognition for successes shared peer-to-peer.

For distributed teams, Slack integration increases workspace awareness and accountability to close more deals with relevance and urgency. Sales experts coach peer wins based on notifications. The native integration makes Recapped interactions and achievements open, accessible, and motivating.

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Create, Manage, and Track Proposals

Single Sign-On (Okta)

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Brainstorm Interactively on Virtual Boards

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Automate Cross-App Workflows with Zaps

Spotify integration

Engage with Contextual Soundtracks

By Sales People,
For Sales People